Status Unchanged: Cancer Is Still My Bitch

Today I saw the oncologist, the team leader; the one who never smiles unless she has something to smile about.

She was smiling.

The cancer is at the same level it was when I last came in for a check-up. It’s not gone and never will be, but for the time being, it has stabilised. This is a win.

There are no guarantees, of course, but really––are there ever?

20 thoughts on “Status Unchanged: Cancer Is Still My Bitch

    • As my oncologist said, “We can’t get rid of it but it’s possible to live with it.”

      If that’s the best I can get, I’ll take it!

    • Thank you! I celebrated by riding the bus home with Chris and spending all afternoon working on the sushi novel.

    • Thank you, David. While I had the bad luck to be one of the small percentage of women who experience a recurrence, I’m lucky enough to have achieved a stage where I can live with my cancer without feeling a lot of ill effects.

  1. Thank you! I celebrated by riding the bus home with Chris and spending all afternoon working on the sushi novel.

    • Okay, I don’t know why my reply to saaremartha came out in two different places, and I can’t get rid of the extra. Software baffles me.

  2. I’m so glad to hear this, Pat! You are so deserving of a reprieve and to learn that you have one is so heartening! Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll beat it into submission!
    Positivity, positive imagery and much love heading your way…

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