That’s Right, Cancer, I Said You Better Run ‘Cause There Ain’t Nothin’ For You Here

Yes, in case you can’t tell, the level of cancer in my body continues to decline. I did a little math and the current level is 3% of what it was when I started chemotherapy in January 2015. I saw one of the doctors on my consultant’s team, a young Asian doctor that I’ve seen before. He was so genuinely happy for me, I kinda choked up.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. I had the bad luck to have my cancer recur in the worst possible form but the good luck to have the drugs work better than anyone expected them to. I’d like to tell you attitude is half the battle. I mean, then I could really pat myself on the back (no pun intended, I swear) and say I kicked cancer’s arse. The truth is, I got lucky; the drugs work. My attitude lets me enjoy it.

I would like to be more profound but at the moment, I’m just kinda dazed. Six months ago, I was terminal, at least as far as anyone knew. Today I’m no longer dying of cancer, I’m living with my technicolor Doc Martens boot on its neck.

You know, I don’t think that will ever get old.

57 thoughts on “That’s Right, Cancer, I Said You Better Run ‘Cause There Ain’t Nothin’ For You Here

  1. Thanks, Pat Thanks for makng me as Stu used to say “cry for happy”. I think I’ll just sit here for a while dribbling. This is so so great.

  2. It’s very hard to put into words how happy I am for you. We lost Cate’s mum to cancer at the end of 2014; it just took her down in a matter of months, never giving her a chance to rally. So every time I hear about someone holding out or beating the odds I want to cheer them on. But you more than anyone: your attitude, your humour, are so bloody inspiring.

    Keep that boot on cancer’s neck and bear down till you hear important things breaking. You rock.

  3. Really happy for you, Pat! My own experience with cancer and the available research in the area that attitude AND a
    strong support network are key to a
    robust recovery!

  4. Congratulations, Pat. Always so good to hear that someone is beating it back. That your focus right now is on the election, not on yourself, is telling. You are winning, and you are living every moment of your life.

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  6. Great news! Huzzah, I say! Hurrah! I’m so glad you’ll be around for a long time and continue to deliver your great writing and acerbic posts! Mazel Tov!

  7. Pat, I’m so so happy for you I’m tearing up a little! So, so, so much love. You are amazing and I am SO GLAD we will have the blazing light of your presence here longer. You are so awesome and badass!

    -Mia (@likhain)

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