Then Yet Another Six Months Passed and It’s Green Bananas All Around!

Good news can come at strange times in the oddest places. Yesterday I was crouching on a stoop in Islington near a bus stop, listening to my oncologist tell me that the level of cancer in my body has—you guessed it!—fallen again, by more points than last time.

Once again, the universe reminds me: While cancer is a serious problem, I still have my foot on its neck. Hypertension is also a serious problem but my foot is on its neck, too. Apparently my feet are so big and mighty that I can fit more than one serious problem under each one.

Whereas something like part of our ceiling falling down—that’s a technical difficulty. Technical difficulties are frustrating, even infuriating, but ultimately fixable, (even if that doesn’t happen as quickly as we’d like).

Meanwhile, the green bananas are ripening and I’m made of !!!WORK!!!

10 thoughts on “Then Yet Another Six Months Passed and It’s Green Bananas All Around!

  1. Your life force seems so overwhelmingly impressive. Thank you for reminding us to properly label our foes, thus depriving them of some power. I wish you great new ideas, energy to write, and many new readers.

  2. You RULE!!!! I’m so happy for you! And as for ceilings falling down, that happened to me one night while I was just sitting in my chair trying to decide whether to go get a cup of tea. No warning: WHUMP! a 4′ circle of the dining room ceiling dropped onto the table and floor. My (then) three cats scattered like buckshot and I sat in that unreality bubble for a few minutes, letting my heart rate slow down. I was lucky – my next-door neighbor was a dry-waller. He and his wife, bless them, came over and helped me clean it up, an insurance adjustor showed up THE NEXT DAY and handed me a check on the spot! O.o And the neighbor came over the day after that and completely replaced the ceiling. I shoulda bought a lottery ticket. This is a 100-year-old house and it was the original ceiling. I guess it’d just had enough.

    Keep on whuppin’ cancer, you absolute jewel. ❤️

    • What a lovely reply. Not only for your good words—while we’re not happy that you had a ceiling cave-in, it has made us feel less alone, if that makes any sense.

      Thank you for your support for all these years, for taking a moment to give me a few words of encouragement. It’s one those things that seems like a small thing but really, it’s a big thing. I’m going to be smiling all day.

  3. Hi Pat,  I’m pleased to hear you have lower levels of cancer in your body, so yay, you!  It seems on the celebrity end they’re dropping like flies—Kevin Conroy, Christine McVie, Kirstie Alley, and a fan friend in Canada. All in a short time and not that much older than I am. Have a happy holiday season, no matter what you celebrate!   Leslie 

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